Vicore represents a huge leap forward in the areas of bio-mechanical enhancement, athletic training, and overall wellness. Through the fusing of both new and traditional technologies, a dynamic, ever-changing environment has been created. Vicore equipment creates an interface that requires the user to constantly adapt. Vicore has developed systems and tools which unite and utilize all the function the body needs to perform to peak, youthful levels. Vicore equipment creates a wider range of motion, better ergonomic environments, less skeletal stress, and a more comfortable and enjoyable workout. The resulting Vicore body would be strong, well-balanced, and able to perform at peak levels, not only in the pursuit of one’s athletic endeavors but in carrying out the daily tasks we call ‘life,’ allowing them to move with nimbleness and ease. Vicore is not like anything else you have ever seen. Once you try our unique and more innovative way of training you’ll feel and see the difference from using Vicore and ordinary other products in the market.